Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hannah banana, but with vegetables instead.

Rain: So after we left Portland, our plan was to spend the night in Grant’s Pass once more and stop to see our friend Hannah on the way. But of course things don’t always work out as you mean for them too-sometimes they work out even better! Our friend Hannah, who we know from Vermont, had been interning on a small organic farm near Eugene. We stopped by at her farm to see her and had a really nice little visit. She was packing CSA shares with her boss when we got there, and after that she gave us a tour of the farm and made us all some delicious smoothies with fresh picked fruit. We took a few pictures together, said our goodbyes, and headed back on the road all ready to continue on with our adventuring. However, my absentmindedness (surprise, surprise) foiled our plans when I realized about 40 minutes into the drive that I had no idea where my phone was. So we called Hannah and of course it was sitting nicely on her table, right where I had forgotten it. By the time we found our way back to the farm to retrieve it, it was pretty late in the afternoon and we really didn’t feel like retracing our steps yet again and finishing the several hours back to Grant’s Pass. Hannah had already invited us to spend the night there so we took her up on the offer and wound up having a really wonderful time with her and her fellow intern Jason.  We were spoiled by the sheer enormity of all the fresh vegetables so readily available to cook and eat, so we made a collaborative dinner chock full of them and then another round for breakfast. After dinner the four of us took a moonlit walk around the property and goofed off. When we finally had to leave, Hannah continued to be wonderful and generous and gifted us with a bunch of vegetables from the seconds bin that weren’t quite pretty enough to sell (but still very tasty, and we made many yummy things with them). And with that, we were finally on our way south down the West Coast.

Samantha: Ditto. Hannah was very cool, nice to see her in her element. The farm was this kind of oasis, being that it was the first thing that reminded me of Vermont in a while. Good times.

The home

The bounty

The hostess

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